Environment in the St. Joseph's Convent School implies, on the part of the pupils and parents, willingness to comply with the rules and regulations of the school.

1. The School uniform is compulsory on all class days, pupils should be clean and tidy. Pupils who come to school shabbily dressed and unkempt and liable to be kept out of class. Jewellery and fancy ornaments shout not be worn.

2. Students must reach the school five minutes before the, time fixed for the morning school assembly. A pup; absenting herself from school for 5 days in succession, without permission will be marked LEFT. If she is re-admitted she will have to pay a fresh admission fee Rs. 1000.00.

3. Pupils are themselves responsible for their books, pens tiffin -boxes or any other article they may bring to school Cardigans, school bags and boxes must be

marked with the child's full name. No effort will be made to 1 ocate unmarked articles lost in school.

4. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of home work, colouring hair, long nails, nails with polish, disobedience and disrespect towards teachers and members of the staff or bad moral influence will justify dismissal. Pupils are responsible to the School Authorities for their conduct and dress both in and outside school. Students who are careless about application, study, behaviour etc. even after correction will be seriously dealt with.

5. Pupils are strictly forbidden to bring mobile phones, cameras, sim cards, and any other electronic gadgets, Beverages of any kind or use of objectionable literature into school. Defaulters will be dismissed immediately without any warning.

6. All pupils are encouraged to take part in games and other activities unless declared physically unfit or ex exempted by the Principal.

7. Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity observing only those holidays indicated in the diary they should check the diary daily for any remarks and note the homework set.

8. Parents should avoid criticism of a teacher in the presence of the child because it undermines her respect for the teachers and the school. Should you have a legitimate complaint, please meet the Principal, personally not in a group.

9. Pupils absent due to illness for more than two days must first submit a Medical Certificate and later report to school with a Medical Certificate of FITNESS to resume classes.

10. Absentees from examinations / tests for any reason whatsoever will not be re-examined. Marks obtained in the WEEKLY, TERMINAL and FINAL Examination will determine promotion.

11. Terminal reports are given to pupil from K.G to Class X inclusive. Parents are requested to examine the Terminal Report carefully and see that their child makes special effort to study those subjects in which they are weak. Previous weekly test papers should be signed by the parents before they sit for the next weekly test.

12. Children who are ill should not be sent to school to attend class or to take tests, as the chances are they will spoil both their health and studies. If the child is sick, he/she must be helped to accept his/her illness.

13. Students are not allowed to go home after attending few periods / Examinations. However, in Ca of an emergency, the child will be allowed to, home if her /his father/ mother comes to picky the child. The child will not be send home with brother, sister, relative or servants.

14. Though school days are from Monday to Friday, class. On Saturdays may be held when the number of work days fall short, through unavoidable circumstances when it is a necessity.

15. Any student found resorting to unfair means and receiving and giving assistance in any form during, Tests / Examinations will be given zero in the sub jest and a warning letter. Repetition of the sum will result in dismissal.

16. Pupils must be encouraged to develop a spirit of generosity and gratitude. Hence they should be made to take an active part in 'Charity Drives' in aid of good causes.

17. Absentees on the opening and closing day of the 'arms or after special holidays like Puja, Diwali Easter etc. are liable to lose their seats. Excuse for absence attendance should not be made by phone. Violation of this rule may entail payment of fine or suspension.

18. The school diary is a record concerning the student Therefore, every pupil should take special care of t" diary and bring it to class daily. If it is lost the pup concerned should get a written authorisation from the Principal to buy a duplicate.


20. Any damage to school property must be made good by the student concerned. 21. The medium of instruction in this School is English. Therefore every pupil should speak correct English in school and premises and the students of the school at all time.

22. Withdrawals: A calendar month's written notice is to be given or a month's fees paid before a pupils is to be withdrawn from the school. (Calendar month counts from the first to the end of a month.)

23. Parents may meet teachers by appointment only. Refrain from disturbing teachers in their homes regarding school maters.

N.B.: The School is not responsible for any pupil before or after School Hours.

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